Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Legends, Arrow, Flash

I'm sorry for writing this so very late... Today is coming the next Flash episode and I just figured out that I haven't write about any of DC Comics-Series..? So this will be a short cut out...

First let me just write about flash... I actually thought that Patty already knew that Barry is The Flash, because of the voice and that that's why she decided to leave, so I was surprised when in 2x11 she 'figured out' that she's dating Flash himself. But that was really rude form her to just call him and say that there's someone with a gun... Though she's a cop, so that was really a fail. The Reverse Flash was back and was gone... It was so fucking mind blowing! I don't know how, but I think I kinda understand now... I think that sometimes soon we'll see Barry going back to the night Eobard killed his mother. Again. It's all good and right, but Thawne saw Harry ( Earth 2 ) so when he kills Harrison ( Earth 1 )... I'm really interested in his thoughts at the moment. He knew that he will become Harrison Wells, but he also knew that he saw Harrison Wells cooperating with the Flash. So does he thinks that he like saw himself or...? Some weird stuff going on around here.

 And I'm not sure if it right to say or is it wrong, but I don't like Wally very much. Not at all probably... He annoys me all the time... He's just antipathetic. Not the actor, but Wally's personality. He's just so mean to Joe and he really doesn't deserve this.. Oh and might have a theory about who's under the black zoom mask, but I will write that another time. ( After next episode, cuz in one ep. Everything can change. Literally. ) Ooh and the next promo was... Exciting? Weird? - What the fuck - kind of promo? Wells stealing Barry's speed, Iris dying? Okay my theory is that Barry will of course run back in time to save her, and hopefully delete the part when Harry ' steals ' his speed. And then Cisco would vibe and it would be soo damn cool... I support Wells, I really do ( don't ask why, even I don't know... I'm really starting to think that I have a kind of crush on bad guys.. Not cool ) I think it's so cute what he's able to do to save his daughter. But I think that he will see that Zoom is the one who will lose at the end and he will ask Barry for help. Please, please, please...

Felicity's in a wheelchair!! I was suspecting that since winter finally, but now it's like... Real...? And Amanda is dead... For real!! I thought no one can kill her... She was always so... Cold blooded... And he just.. Bang... And she was just... Gone...? But thank you lord, Diggle brothers are good! Andy is such a sweet heart! His ' not talking ' mode was actually funny, but now there's this ' nice ' Andy and it seems everything will be ok. It seems. But I might think that there will be something with his son/wife ( is it ex wife..? I mean he was dead... Is she a widow or nah..? ) And he will be forced to go back to Darhk.. But if he's nice like we think he is, he could be the next 'Lance'. Get it? Both sides? No, right... Not good joke, really not... Felicity's dead - Calculator - is coming! I think he'll be the one of HIVE's 'agents' Felicity will have a 'computer war' with. Two beautiful minds ( not stealing Stein's words ) will be computer fighting. How cool can that be? I personally think that we will see a lot more of him in the show, as a HIVE tech - computer guy. Another complicated father-daughter relationship? Yes? Probably yes.

The first time I saw Legends of tomorrow trailer I thought it will be a shit show.. After first episode I was really really impressed ( is it weird that I already watched it four times? no kidding I literally watched it four times.). After second episode I was totally 'in' for the show! My personal favorite is Martin Stein. He and his beautiful brains. ( sorry not sorry, but I love the phrase ) I loved the scene when he pretended to be ' gangster ' and he was like a 50 cm smaller than the guy he was talking to, but he was acting like a high class bitchy bastard... It was definitely #TeamStein   And young Martin was played so very well! You can feel that strong weird connection between the two of them. And just a second.. Sara was definitely flirting with Marty, so is she officially a lesbian or is she bi? Just curious...

Leonard Snart is hoooot!! That's so ironic because he's you know... Capitan Cold, but he is so damn hot! And the black shirt he wore as gangster? I just melted! He and Mick Rory are the perfect pair! Mick is the one with the hot weapon, but not so hot ( not saying that he's not a good looking, but he's not the hottest one in the 'group ' ) And Leonard is the one with cold weapon, but he's soo very hot. That's so ironic and I like it soo very much, not to mention that I'm always being ironic, so that's why I like it even more.. ( Oh and btw I'm dancing with a guy really named Leonard for my school dance and he's total reverse of Snart! He's ugly.. Sorry not sorry... So I'm praying that the 'Snart' - Leonard will come and not the real Leonard - Leonard... Am I weird? I know I am... But seriously, you think I could write to Wentworth? Maybe he'll come. #wecanhope #hopedieslast #yupiknowimweird

The Hawkcouple!! Hate Vandal Savage!! But I'm curious... Am I right and Carter will be like 'dead' - dead... And we'll see him only in Kendra's flashbacks or they will go back in time or something ( like they could call Barry to run back in time..? ) and he will be like 'alive' - alive? It would be so much more fun if he is really dead. Don't get me wrong, I love the character, the actor and his story, but it would literally forced Kendra to fight against Savage, and I would really like to see her showing her real 'I want to kill you' colors. Cuz if I'm not wrong everything so far was like a game for her.. But now Carter's dead and she must fight..

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