Okay now before tonight's episode I wanted to share my little theory about who Zoom might be. I have this theory for a while and right now I'm not the only one who thinks that Henry Allen from Earth 2 is the one and only Zoom. Of course it's just my oppinion, no one ( except for the cast & crew ) can know that for sure, and there's still no proof of who Zoom might be, but somehow I think it might be Henry. Probably they wouldn't pick some random new guy, so I believe that we know him well from Earth 1. So people who were male more important characters in last season : Barry Allen, Joe West, Harrison Wells, Eobard Thawne, Eddie Thawne, Ronnie Raymond, Cisco Ramon, Henry Allen and Martin Stein. Obviusly it can't be Harrison Wells - even though the Reverse Flash did appear at two places at the same time, we can't put him on a possibly Zoom candidates list, cuz it would be too much cliche if he kidnapped his own daughter. We can also delete Joe from the list, because if we look close we can see that the skin around Zoom's eyes is white, and he has just black make up around. You can see it in this photo:
So as we removed Joe West and Harrison Wells we now only got Barry Allen, Eobard Thawne, Eddie Thawn, Cisco Ramon, Ronnie Raymond, Martin Stein and Henry Allen. We know that Ronnie Raymond is Deathstorm, so he can't be the speedster. Martin Stein is just too old I think ( sorry Victor nothing personally, I'm just saying the truth.. Stein couldn't run this fast could he? I mean even if he was a speedster.. I think that body composition also 'helps' with his speed or something like that... I can't really explain how it would work, but you get me right? A little bit? ) Ok so we delete this two.
I'm pretty sure it's not Eobard Thawne, cuz it would be really boring seeing him in pretty much the same ( well not the same but look-a-like character... just that zoom is faster, more evil, we don't know his identity yet... ok maybe they're not so similar ) It could be Cisco, but I'm kinda sure he's not... And as I said on my previous post I think Cisco will be a piano player... Also I think that Zoom is pretty much the same height as Barry ( not the same but... around there somewhere.. or maybe it's just camera affects ) so if we look it that way it can't be Cisco. But otherwise I just think that any kind of Cisco no matter Earth 1,2,3 or 16 couldn't be evil... He just doesn't have the right face... I don't know... Okay so if we delete Cisco also we got Barry Allen, Eddie Thawne and Henry Allen, It also might be Eddie Thawne, but as I said before the Thawne ( the other Thawne, but still Thawne ) was the main villain last season so it would be also weird if another Thawne was the main villian again, wouldn it? We could still say that Thawne is on the list of possible candidates, but I just don't think so, so I'm putting him away... Even though how very much awsome it would be if Barry's ( Earth 1 ) new opponent would be also called Barry Allen ( in this case from Earth 2 ) but we saw the pictures of the second Barry Allen so I'm not 100% sure, but he's so... Well... Hot, but not like villian hot... He dresses nice, looks hot in it and it's just not the style I would suspect Zoom to wear. And also Killer Frost and Deathstorm are working with Zoom and there's a video where Killer Frost attacks Barry from Earth 2, so I'm pretty sure that she knows who she's working with, and if she knew that the second Barry would be Zoom she wouldn't attack him. So I think we can remove Barry from the list also. Henry Allen is now the only candidate on the 'Zoom might be' list. Also if you look at his eyes and compare them with Zoom's eyes they look simmilar. Also there exist a photo of Zoom/Henry Allen transformation ( down bellow ). And if we look it from the writers's side.. It would be pretty interesting for the fans to see how would Barry fight his own, but not his own father. The show would probably get some views just because of that. But in the last season the villian was Barry's mentor, so could he really be his father/GuyWhoLooksLikeHisFatherButIsActuallyFromAnotherEarth ? I think that the best chance of all the guys here has Henry.
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