Okay our guys are finally going to the Earth 2!! I still can't belive it. Let me begin at the beggining. Barry Allen Earth 2 looks suspiciusly like Indiana Jones ( teacher ). Am I the only one who thinks that?
But Earth 2 Barry looks kinda hot though. Okay, seriously hot. That red bow makes me fall on my knees. And the glasses. Glasses! Yeah I totally fall for every guy in the suit, but suit, hot glasses and a red bow? It's a perfect combination. I think that Barry number 2 has a list of girls begging him to date him. I would probably be the first on that list.
Iris West is a cop! A real woman cop! On facebook fan group someone wrote, that Earth 2's police uniform looks funny and weird, but I think that Earth 2's fashion looks great! And police uniform is no exception. It actually looks like some designer would have done it. If that thing would be for sale I would buy it for sure. ... If it wouldn't be very expensive.

If you were wondering in the picture down below... Yes yes yes! It's the one and only Floyd Lawton! Deathshot! The good villan! I really want to know what will he become in the Earth 2 version. I can't wait to see his face again. It made my day seeing him in the picture. But in the picture he looks like a 'bad ass' so maybe, just maybe he will be a little bad on the Earth 2 also. Just a little bad. Just a... 10 % of Deathshot. I will be happy with 5 % of evilness. No wait actually I won't be. I believe that we all have at least 5 % of Deathshot's evilness. At least,
Let's go back to Earth 2's fashion. It looks like 50's fashion. But on some pictures it looks like 70's. The thing is... Clothes there are perfect. Just my kind of style. You think I could somehow move to Earth 2? I am so very into it. Good sence of fashion for male and female. If we look around we can see that intern design is also a bit of different from our 'modern'. But I think it looks great. It's like history, but present, but history. I like history so Earth 2 is for sure my favorite Earth. Just saying.
Killer Frost! The better half of Mrs. Caitlin Snow. She is just cold... And bad... And sexy... And Snow... And with white hair... And just awsome. But even better combination is Caitlin Snow - Killer Frost and Ronny Raymond - Deathstorm. Go get him girl! And than go kill the others together. Even though if I had to choose between Deathstorm and Firestorm I would deffinitly choose Firestorm, I think that Deathstorm might be a villan we won't forgot easily. A villan that we could all love because of his bad side. Because till now we had time to get to know just his cute Ronnie side and now we'll se his transformation into dark kind of Ronnie. AND his name starts with DEATH we just must like him. I mean who doesn't like old fashion Deaths? Like Deathstroke... Deathshoot.., ( or now Deathpool - Marvel movie coming out now - everyone are talking about it but I just hate it, because it broke my whole Slade Wilson bad guy profile... It's just not working for me. )

Joe Wells is a singer! A real singer! I just hope they made a scene with Jesse L. Martin really singing, because he sings really good. And I have to say that I think I know what is Earth 2 Cisco doing. If anyone noticed Carlos posted on the Twitter that he'll be playing piano. In every photo of Joe singing there's a piano in the background. We can se the hand of a pianist, but not his whole body. So I think that the guy playing the piano with Joe singing might be Cisco Ramon 2. If I'm right that It could be a musical night! The best musical night in the history of CW! No sorry I'm wrong... Nothing can be better than Flash's season 1 episode 12 Barry & Caitlin caraoke. Summer loving is just priceless. And timeless.
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