People! I am writing a rewiews of CW - DC series for now.... Also writing a flarrow story on wattpad:
Friday, February 19, 2016
Theory about the conection between Zoom and Jay Garrick
Eddie's eyes are blue and Zoom's are brown. Yes it could be contacs, but I think they aren't... Yes, this will be another Who is Zoom.. kinda post.
Lately there were some people who wrote a suggestion that Zoom might be Eddie E-2, but I don't think they're right... Just my opinion... Okay now I have two theorys.
Like I said before my number 1 theory is that Henry Allen is Zoom. I already explained this one, so I won't do it again...
But let me go to my second theory ( which is by the way really really crazy, so you might don't want to read it, but I'm gonna write it anyway. )
Ok I haven't reed the comics, but if I'm right the Zoom in the comics was Hunter Zolomon. Now we know Hunter Zolomon from E-1 as Jay's doppelganger. And we have Jay Garrick from E-2.
Now again some people said that the Jay Garrick could be Zoom, like Reverse Flash - speed mirages, but okay Eobard Thawne just hited himself, now Zoom killed Jay, so if Jay really was Zoom, he would have killed himself douring the speed mirages. Yeah I believe, that's not the thing. And Hunter Zolomon E-1 couldn't bee Zoom, because the breaches between the two Earths opened when Zoom was already destroying E-2 Central City.
So I've been working on a pretty strange theory, but it's just a theory so please don't be mad at me or say I'm crazy, like I said it's just a weird theory... What if... Just if.. Hunter Zolomon would be Zoom in the serie also. Like I said before when people ask you: ' Whos Hunter Zolomon E-2 doppelganger? ' you will probably say that it's Jay Garrick. But what if it's not? We think that we have just 2 ' Jay's ', but what if they're actually 4 of them? What if they are twins ( on both Earths ). What if the Jay Garrick we know is from E-1. What if when Zoom came to E-1 Jay was really sick, Zoom told him to pretend to be E-2 Flash, he knew that somehow they would make Velocity 9. He told Jay, it could help him, and that he must get a Velocity 9 for Zoom also. So the Jay Garrick we know and Hunter Zolomon that Jay showes Caitlin are actually twin brothers. Both from Earth 1.
Now we need a twin brothers from Earth 2. I'm for it that the twin named Hunter Zolomon is Zoom himself. And his brother ( E-2 ) Jay Garrick was The Flash. He did know or didn't know that his brother is Zoom, anyway he was fighting him. Then one day Zoom defeated him and took him into his lair where he keeps him as a prisoner. So if we're looking at my theory the man with a mask is Jay Garrick - E-2. When he said 'Jay' he ment it as his name, but Barry and Jesse didn't get what he was trying to say. That's why he was so upset when they said that Jay is OK, that he is on Earth 1. He either thought that his brother Zoom is pretending to be him and came to E-1 to fight their Flash and pretend to be the team's friend or that his brother found his real doppelganger and somehow forced him to pretend that he was Flash on E-2. That would explain why he's wearing the mask, why he said 'Jay', why he was trying to tell them something with Jay and why Zoom wasn't happy that he said 'Jay.
I know it's kinda crazy.... But it's just my theory... What do you guys think?
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Okay what the fuck just happened on the Arrow? First I think that right now I hate almost everyone ( that would be Oliver, Diggle, Laurel, The Calculator, Darhk, Nyssa ) Maybe I hate Nyssa the less. But still!! What happened to all of them? And no I have no idea why I'm on Malcolm's side, but I just am. Sorry Oliver but... Merlyn's just... Merlyn.. And you're just... Well you betrayed him! Not fair Al Sah-Him not fair!
Malcolm's hand is gone! It's gone! It's fucking gone! His beautiful beautiful ( okay I have seen hands that are more beautiful but still. And yeah again this sentence sounds very very weird ) hand! His hand! What the fuck Oliver? What the fuck? Why did you do that? Why the hell?!? His hand! I am so upset!
I agreed with Merlyn that it's a lot bigger than him and that he can't just give the ring to Nyssa. ( but I was so very impressed when Nyssa threw the ring into the fire. Impressed. Really impressed. ) So tell my why Oliver you fought against Merlyn? And we all saw that Merlyn wasn't clearly fighting with his full power. ( because of Thea... Probably? ) But Oliver just cut his hand away from body. Like it would be something completely normal. And then he took the ring from 'dead' hand like it would be something normal again. ( it was seriously gross! Even though I know it wasn't the real hand it was disgusting. )
But in the next 5 minutes I find out that I actually love Nyssa for releasing all the League members and throwing the ring on fire. It was so kind and human of her. She was kind of hero at that moment. But she could tell that she wants to release the League before Oliver fought Malcolm.
And what the hell was wrong with Nyssa? She kept saying ' My husband.' Seriously Nyssa? Seriously? Okay you got married, but the marriage is not real! And Oliver is kinda engaged!?!? You never agreed to marriage and now that he has fiance you somehow keep saying that the marriage is real.
I think that Oliver kinda deserved that Malcolm betrayed him too. Maybe telling Darhk was a little too much, but it's like ' eye for eye' It's all Oliver's fault. If he wouldn't betrayed Merlyn the first, Darhk would never know about William.
Felicity's father is an evil bastard! Nothing else to say to him! Just an evil bastard! Congrats Felicity for handling him over to the police.
So yeah... The point is that while I was watching I screamed almost every 3 minutes something like that ' What the fuck? ' ' What the hell have you idiot done? ' ' What is wrong with you people? '
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
O my gosh! O my gosh! O my gosh! These are the only words that can possibly describe what I'm feeling right now. I was so very wrong when I said that I couldn't imagine Cisco as a bad guy. Sorry Carlos I admit that I have underestimated you. I'm so so sorry because the evil Cisco was just amazing. Because of Reverb I think I could watch this episode a 1000 times, but still won't be bored. Okay not just because Reverb. But he would got about 40%

Why is Barry married to Iris? I though I already said that I'm on his list of fans that want to marry him. I was probably the first on that list! That's so unfair.. You evil evil Iris stealing my men! And Barry ( Earth 2 ) is a selfish pig? Why? I mean he looks so so damn handsome, he just can't be selfish. It was so hard to watch Barry ' fighting ' with Joe... Sorry... It's Joseph actually. But even though I like original Joe more I did cry when Joseph died... And he sang! He sang! We got to hear his beautiful voice! That's what matters. And he sang for Iris... The scene in the hospital was really to cry for. Barry 2 is a selfish pig! He really is! Why are you making me hate you Barry Allen!? Barry from Earth 2! But yeah if any Barry Allen ( of Grant himself ) is free I can sacrifices myself and become his girlfriend. It will be a sacrifices and a half.

If you were listening carefully at the beginning when the reporter was talking you maybe heard that he mentioned mayor Snart! Mayor freaking Snart!! Please pleas let it be Leonard and not his father. It would be so interesting to see Leonard Snart as mayor. And maybe he would wear that black shirt he wore in Legends of Tomorrow - you know the one who makes him look so damn hot.
' God, this is making me soo hot. ' I think I became kinda obsessed with Killer Frost... Just a little... Yeah sure...? Sorry not sorry, but Danielle did a great job as Killer Frost. Maybe it's because she reminds me a little on my favorite male flash villain - Capitan Cold ( my female right now is of course Killer Frost ) but I think that the Earth 2 version of Caitlin is the version I like more.. The original Caitlin is... Well if compare her to Killer Frost she ( dr. Snow ) is just a little boring...
Ronnie Raymond you evil evil bastard! How dare you keep my dr. Stein with his beautiful brains ( yep I really love that phrase... Like really really ) in there? ' He doesn't say much anymore. ' What have you done to those beautiful brains? Did you brain washed him? Did you? Did you? If you wouldn't be dead I would come there and kill you by myself ( probably that journey wouldn't end up good for me. Probably it would end up with me lying in the hole and him kissing his dear ). No I'm wrong... Even though he's bad I wouldn't kill him I would just... ( let's pretend that would somehow work ) Hit him? To get the one and only ( okay sorry now it's the second and the... Ssss... Sympathetic? ) Martin Stein out of your body ( Yes I'm well aware that this sentence sound really weird. Who cares. ) And then I would be the one brain-washing your not so beautiful brains and then Stein could go back to your body ( It still sounds weird when you say it like that ) and then he would talk and you two could be Deathstorm or whatever you would want to be and we would all live happily ever after... Except this could never happen cause Ronnie's dead ( I mean Earth 2 ). Wait does that mean that Stein is also dead or he's alive in Ronnie's body? And one more thing ( Earth 1 right now ) What if he's in Earth 2 ? Like Ray went to Earth 1? What if they... Changed there Earths or something like that?

Jay why did you lied to us? We trusted you! We were your fans! You can't just mess up with us like this! You... You... Very tall... I could say pretty also... Evil... Speedster... That we're all... Crazy about. And now he's dying because he took Velocity 6. Who would take Velocity 6? Why would you even do that Jay? I know you wanted to become faster and all ( that suspiciously looks like Zoom ) but you're a Speedster! And 99% of the rest of the people of both worlds are not.
Capitan Sigh is a criminal! Damn it was so crazy! ' Look I don't know nothing. So I ain't saying nothing. ' He was just hilarious and good and weird and his clothes were so awesome.
Holly 2001! Floyd Lawton is a deathshot also on Earth 2. Just that on the Earth 2 the nickname is sarcastic. How he doesn't even know how to fill a gun? I'm pretty sure even I could do that. And he didn't shoot Reverb and he was standing about 3 meters away from him! Even I would hit the Reverb.
Zoom caught Barry!! How did that happen? He just can't kidnap my sweet Barry Allen! He's mine! Only I can kidnap him. And it was so freaking creepy to see that Zoom keeps prisoners in some kind of boxes. It's like ' You psychopath or something dude? ' I mean I'm not sure if a person without mental illness could possibly keep people trapped in the boxes. And they can see in each other's box. How do they pee?
Why is Barry married to Iris? I though I already said that I'm on his list of fans that want to marry him. I was probably the first on that list! That's so unfair.. You evil evil Iris stealing my men! And Barry ( Earth 2 ) is a selfish pig? Why? I mean he looks so so damn handsome, he just can't be selfish. It was so hard to watch Barry ' fighting ' with Joe... Sorry... It's Joseph actually. But even though I like original Joe more I did cry when Joseph died... And he sang! He sang! We got to hear his beautiful voice! That's what matters. And he sang for Iris... The scene in the hospital was really to cry for. Barry 2 is a selfish pig! He really is! Why are you making me hate you Barry Allen!? Barry from Earth 2! But yeah if any Barry Allen ( of Grant himself ) is free I can sacrifices myself and become his girlfriend. It will be a sacrifices and a half.
If you were listening carefully at the beginning when the reporter was talking you maybe heard that he mentioned mayor Snart! Mayor freaking Snart!! Please pleas let it be Leonard and not his father. It would be so interesting to see Leonard Snart as mayor. And maybe he would wear that black shirt he wore in Legends of Tomorrow - you know the one who makes him look so damn hot.
' God, this is making me soo hot. ' I think I became kinda obsessed with Killer Frost... Just a little... Yeah sure...? Sorry not sorry, but Danielle did a great job as Killer Frost. Maybe it's because she reminds me a little on my favorite male flash villain - Capitan Cold ( my female right now is of course Killer Frost ) but I think that the Earth 2 version of Caitlin is the version I like more.. The original Caitlin is... Well if compare her to Killer Frost she ( dr. Snow ) is just a little boring...
Ronnie Raymond you evil evil bastard! How dare you keep my dr. Stein with his beautiful brains ( yep I really love that phrase... Like really really ) in there? ' He doesn't say much anymore. ' What have you done to those beautiful brains? Did you brain washed him? Did you? Did you? If you wouldn't be dead I would come there and kill you by myself ( probably that journey wouldn't end up good for me. Probably it would end up with me lying in the hole and him kissing his dear ). No I'm wrong... Even though he's bad I wouldn't kill him I would just... ( let's pretend that would somehow work ) Hit him? To get the one and only ( okay sorry now it's the second and the... Ssss... Sympathetic? ) Martin Stein out of your body ( Yes I'm well aware that this sentence sound really weird. Who cares. ) And then I would be the one brain-washing your not so beautiful brains and then Stein could go back to your body ( It still sounds weird when you say it like that ) and then he would talk and you two could be Deathstorm or whatever you would want to be and we would all live happily ever after... Except this could never happen cause Ronnie's dead ( I mean Earth 2 ). Wait does that mean that Stein is also dead or he's alive in Ronnie's body? And one more thing ( Earth 1 right now ) What if he's in Earth 2 ? Like Ray went to Earth 1? What if they... Changed there Earths or something like that?
Jay why did you lied to us? We trusted you! We were your fans! You can't just mess up with us like this! You... You... Very tall... I could say pretty also... Evil... Speedster... That we're all... Crazy about. And now he's dying because he took Velocity 6. Who would take Velocity 6? Why would you even do that Jay? I know you wanted to become faster and all ( that suspiciously looks like Zoom ) but you're a Speedster! And 99% of the rest of the people of both worlds are not.
Capitan Sigh is a criminal! Damn it was so crazy! ' Look I don't know nothing. So I ain't saying nothing. ' He was just hilarious and good and weird and his clothes were so awesome.
Holly 2001! Floyd Lawton is a deathshot also on Earth 2. Just that on the Earth 2 the nickname is sarcastic. How he doesn't even know how to fill a gun? I'm pretty sure even I could do that. And he didn't shoot Reverb and he was standing about 3 meters away from him! Even I would hit the Reverb.
Zoom caught Barry!! How did that happen? He just can't kidnap my sweet Barry Allen! He's mine! Only I can kidnap him. And it was so freaking creepy to see that Zoom keeps prisoners in some kind of boxes. It's like ' You psychopath or something dude? ' I mean I'm not sure if a person without mental illness could possibly keep people trapped in the boxes. And they can see in each other's box. How do they pee?
Two Barrys? It's like dreams coming true!! ♡♡

Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Who I think Zoom is
Belive me or not but today we had philosophy and we were talking about parallel universes. Somehow the teacher managed to talk about this on the day when Barry, Harry and Cisco are going on the Earth 2, but she's not watching the Flash ( not that I asked or something huh, no totally not - sarcasem ) I was laughing so hard! It was like ' Yeah people don't spoil! Don't spoil! ' And fortunatly no one said something that I didn't know yet. But it was pretty hilarious. Seriously hilarious.
Okay now before tonight's episode I wanted to share my little theory about who Zoom might be. I have this theory for a while and right now I'm not the only one who thinks that Henry Allen from Earth 2 is the one and only Zoom. Of course it's just my oppinion, no one ( except for the cast & crew ) can know that for sure, and there's still no proof of who Zoom might be, but somehow I think it might be Henry. Probably they wouldn't pick some random new guy, so I believe that we know him well from Earth 1. So people who were male more important characters in last season : Barry Allen, Joe West, Harrison Wells, Eobard Thawne, Eddie Thawne, Ronnie Raymond, Cisco Ramon, Henry Allen and Martin Stein. Obviusly it can't be Harrison Wells - even though the Reverse Flash did appear at two places at the same time, we can't put him on a possibly Zoom candidates list, cuz it would be too much cliche if he kidnapped his own daughter. We can also delete Joe from the list, because if we look close we can see that the skin around Zoom's eyes is white, and he has just black make up around. You can see it in this photo:

So as we removed Joe West and Harrison Wells we now only got Barry Allen, Eobard Thawne, Eddie Thawn, Cisco Ramon, Ronnie Raymond, Martin Stein and Henry Allen. We know that Ronnie Raymond is Deathstorm, so he can't be the speedster. Martin Stein is just too old I think ( sorry Victor nothing personally, I'm just saying the truth.. Stein couldn't run this fast could he? I mean even if he was a speedster.. I think that body composition also 'helps' with his speed or something like that... I can't really explain how it would work, but you get me right? A little bit? ) Ok so we delete this two.
I'm pretty sure it's not Eobard Thawne, cuz it would be really boring seeing him in pretty much the same ( well not the same but look-a-like character... just that zoom is faster, more evil, we don't know his identity yet... ok maybe they're not so similar ) It could be Cisco, but I'm kinda sure he's not... And as I said on my previous post I think Cisco will be a piano player... Also I think that Zoom is pretty much the same height as Barry ( not the same but... around there somewhere.. or maybe it's just camera affects ) so if we look it that way it can't be Cisco. But otherwise I just think that any kind of Cisco no matter Earth 1,2,3 or 16 couldn't be evil... He just doesn't have the right face... I don't know... Okay so if we delete Cisco also we got Barry Allen, Eddie Thawne and Henry Allen, It also might be Eddie Thawne, but as I said before the Thawne ( the other Thawne, but still Thawne ) was the main villain last season so it would be also weird if another Thawne was the main villian again, wouldn it? We could still say that Thawne is on the list of possible candidates, but I just don't think so, so I'm putting him away... Even though how very much awsome it would be if Barry's ( Earth 1 ) new opponent would be also called Barry Allen ( in this case from Earth 2 ) but we saw the pictures of the second Barry Allen so I'm not 100% sure, but he's so... Well... Hot, but not like villian hot... He dresses nice, looks hot in it and it's just not the style I would suspect Zoom to wear. And also Killer Frost and Deathstorm are working with Zoom and there's a video where Killer Frost attacks Barry from Earth 2, so I'm pretty sure that she knows who she's working with, and if she knew that the second Barry would be Zoom she wouldn't attack him. So I think we can remove Barry from the list also. Henry Allen is now the only candidate on the 'Zoom might be' list. Also if you look at his eyes and compare them with Zoom's eyes they look simmilar. Also there exist a photo of Zoom/Henry Allen transformation ( down bellow ). And if we look it from the writers's side.. It would be pretty interesting for the fans to see how would Barry fight his own, but not his own father. The show would probably get some views just because of that. But in the last season the villian was Barry's mentor, so could he really be his father/GuyWhoLooksLikeHisFatherButIsActuallyFromAnotherEarth ? I think that the best chance of all the guys here has Henry.
Okay now before tonight's episode I wanted to share my little theory about who Zoom might be. I have this theory for a while and right now I'm not the only one who thinks that Henry Allen from Earth 2 is the one and only Zoom. Of course it's just my oppinion, no one ( except for the cast & crew ) can know that for sure, and there's still no proof of who Zoom might be, but somehow I think it might be Henry. Probably they wouldn't pick some random new guy, so I believe that we know him well from Earth 1. So people who were male more important characters in last season : Barry Allen, Joe West, Harrison Wells, Eobard Thawne, Eddie Thawne, Ronnie Raymond, Cisco Ramon, Henry Allen and Martin Stein. Obviusly it can't be Harrison Wells - even though the Reverse Flash did appear at two places at the same time, we can't put him on a possibly Zoom candidates list, cuz it would be too much cliche if he kidnapped his own daughter. We can also delete Joe from the list, because if we look close we can see that the skin around Zoom's eyes is white, and he has just black make up around. You can see it in this photo:
So as we removed Joe West and Harrison Wells we now only got Barry Allen, Eobard Thawne, Eddie Thawn, Cisco Ramon, Ronnie Raymond, Martin Stein and Henry Allen. We know that Ronnie Raymond is Deathstorm, so he can't be the speedster. Martin Stein is just too old I think ( sorry Victor nothing personally, I'm just saying the truth.. Stein couldn't run this fast could he? I mean even if he was a speedster.. I think that body composition also 'helps' with his speed or something like that... I can't really explain how it would work, but you get me right? A little bit? ) Ok so we delete this two.
I'm pretty sure it's not Eobard Thawne, cuz it would be really boring seeing him in pretty much the same ( well not the same but look-a-like character... just that zoom is faster, more evil, we don't know his identity yet... ok maybe they're not so similar ) It could be Cisco, but I'm kinda sure he's not... And as I said on my previous post I think Cisco will be a piano player... Also I think that Zoom is pretty much the same height as Barry ( not the same but... around there somewhere.. or maybe it's just camera affects ) so if we look it that way it can't be Cisco. But otherwise I just think that any kind of Cisco no matter Earth 1,2,3 or 16 couldn't be evil... He just doesn't have the right face... I don't know... Okay so if we delete Cisco also we got Barry Allen, Eddie Thawne and Henry Allen, It also might be Eddie Thawne, but as I said before the Thawne ( the other Thawne, but still Thawne ) was the main villain last season so it would be also weird if another Thawne was the main villian again, wouldn it? We could still say that Thawne is on the list of possible candidates, but I just don't think so, so I'm putting him away... Even though how very much awsome it would be if Barry's ( Earth 1 ) new opponent would be also called Barry Allen ( in this case from Earth 2 ) but we saw the pictures of the second Barry Allen so I'm not 100% sure, but he's so... Well... Hot, but not like villian hot... He dresses nice, looks hot in it and it's just not the style I would suspect Zoom to wear. And also Killer Frost and Deathstorm are working with Zoom and there's a video where Killer Frost attacks Barry from Earth 2, so I'm pretty sure that she knows who she's working with, and if she knew that the second Barry would be Zoom she wouldn't attack him. So I think we can remove Barry from the list also. Henry Allen is now the only candidate on the 'Zoom might be' list. Also if you look at his eyes and compare them with Zoom's eyes they look simmilar. Also there exist a photo of Zoom/Henry Allen transformation ( down bellow ). And if we look it from the writers's side.. It would be pretty interesting for the fans to see how would Barry fight his own, but not his own father. The show would probably get some views just because of that. But in the last season the villian was Barry's mentor, so could he really be his father/GuyWhoLooksLikeHisFatherButIsActuallyFromAnotherEarth ? I think that the best chance of all the guys here has Henry.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Okay our guys are finally going to the Earth 2!! I still can't belive it. Let me begin at the beggining. Barry Allen Earth 2 looks suspiciusly like Indiana Jones ( teacher ). Am I the only one who thinks that?
But Earth 2 Barry looks kinda hot though. Okay, seriously hot. That red bow makes me fall on my knees. And the glasses. Glasses! Yeah I totally fall for every guy in the suit, but suit, hot glasses and a red bow? It's a perfect combination. I think that Barry number 2 has a list of girls begging him to date him. I would probably be the first on that list.
Iris West is a cop! A real woman cop! On facebook fan group someone wrote, that Earth 2's police uniform looks funny and weird, but I think that Earth 2's fashion looks great! And police uniform is no exception. It actually looks like some designer would have done it. If that thing would be for sale I would buy it for sure. ... If it wouldn't be very expensive.
If you were wondering in the picture down below... Yes yes yes! It's the one and only Floyd Lawton! Deathshot! The good villan! I really want to know what will he become in the Earth 2 version. I can't wait to see his face again. It made my day seeing him in the picture. But in the picture he looks like a 'bad ass' so maybe, just maybe he will be a little bad on the Earth 2 also. Just a little bad. Just a... 10 % of Deathshot. I will be happy with 5 % of evilness. No wait actually I won't be. I believe that we all have at least 5 % of Deathshot's evilness. At least,
Let's go back to Earth 2's fashion. It looks like 50's fashion. But on some pictures it looks like 70's. The thing is... Clothes there are perfect. Just my kind of style. You think I could somehow move to Earth 2? I am so very into it. Good sence of fashion for male and female. If we look around we can see that intern design is also a bit of different from our 'modern'. But I think it looks great. It's like history, but present, but history. I like history so Earth 2 is for sure my favorite Earth. Just saying.
Killer Frost! The better half of Mrs. Caitlin Snow. She is just cold... And bad... And sexy... And Snow... And with white hair... And just awsome. But even better combination is Caitlin Snow - Killer Frost and Ronny Raymond - Deathstorm. Go get him girl! And than go kill the others together. Even though if I had to choose between Deathstorm and Firestorm I would deffinitly choose Firestorm, I think that Deathstorm might be a villan we won't forgot easily. A villan that we could all love because of his bad side. Because till now we had time to get to know just his cute Ronnie side and now we'll se his transformation into dark kind of Ronnie. AND his name starts with DEATH we just must like him. I mean who doesn't like old fashion Deaths? Like Deathstroke... Deathshoot.., ( or now Deathpool - Marvel movie coming out now - everyone are talking about it but I just hate it, because it broke my whole Slade Wilson bad guy profile... It's just not working for me. )
Joe Wells is a singer! A real singer! I just hope they made a scene with Jesse L. Martin really singing, because he sings really good. And I have to say that I think I know what is Earth 2 Cisco doing. If anyone noticed Carlos posted on the Twitter that he'll be playing piano. In every photo of Joe singing there's a piano in the background. We can se the hand of a pianist, but not his whole body. So I think that the guy playing the piano with Joe singing might be Cisco Ramon 2. If I'm right that It could be a musical night! The best musical night in the history of CW! No sorry I'm wrong... Nothing can be better than Flash's season 1 episode 12 Barry & Caitlin caraoke. Summer loving is just priceless. And timeless.
But Earth 2 Barry looks kinda hot though. Okay, seriously hot. That red bow makes me fall on my knees. And the glasses. Glasses! Yeah I totally fall for every guy in the suit, but suit, hot glasses and a red bow? It's a perfect combination. I think that Barry number 2 has a list of girls begging him to date him. I would probably be the first on that list.
Iris West is a cop! A real woman cop! On facebook fan group someone wrote, that Earth 2's police uniform looks funny and weird, but I think that Earth 2's fashion looks great! And police uniform is no exception. It actually looks like some designer would have done it. If that thing would be for sale I would buy it for sure. ... If it wouldn't be very expensive.

Let's go back to Earth 2's fashion. It looks like 50's fashion. But on some pictures it looks like 70's. The thing is... Clothes there are perfect. Just my kind of style. You think I could somehow move to Earth 2? I am so very into it. Good sence of fashion for male and female. If we look around we can see that intern design is also a bit of different from our 'modern'. But I think it looks great. It's like history, but present, but history. I like history so Earth 2 is for sure my favorite Earth. Just saying.
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Friday, February 5, 2016
Vandal Savage if you weren't an immortal I would totally kill you right now. How dare you giving Carter's blood to your 'people'? It's just wrong! Wrong!
But Kendra's alive - that's the only thing that matters... And Ray saved her... But I'm seriously wondering how did he come out of her blood? He can't just go back to a needle or can he? Stein still doesn't remember him LOL!! Like: " Mr. Palmer YOU WERE NEVER MY STUDENT! " It's just so awkward - cute awkwardness.
When did Sara Lance become so sexy? She totally rocked in that dress, skirt. And something we already knew before - she is stronger then Thea, she is a fighter! But I think we all have to admit that Sara and Rip make a pretty nice couple... Even though she is a lesbian and he is about 150 years older than her with a dead son and wife..Whatever....
I knew that Snart had that 'good' inside him, but he really surprised me. I almost cry because of his 'weakness'. It was just so damn nice, cute, and that this stupid stupid Lewis who just broke the whole thing! Seriously who is so stupid to sell emerald to a cop? Though the whole idea of stealing emerald was great, but I personally would keep the emerald for myself... It's just... Emerald you know? And I was impressed that Jax had that inside him. That curiosity, that little bad side of him... If he won't be careful Snart and Rory could turn him into a criminal ( not that I have anything against this - I would even join their gang if they asked me. What? A girl can dream )
TEAM RIP for ever! He literally killed him! I mean not literally because Savage is an immortal, but still! I didn't know he has that inside of him. And he went to Egypt before finding the Legends! Go Rip! You have my vote! Go get that immortal psycho bastard!
But Kendra's alive - that's the only thing that matters... And Ray saved her... But I'm seriously wondering how did he come out of her blood? He can't just go back to a needle or can he? Stein still doesn't remember him LOL!! Like: " Mr. Palmer YOU WERE NEVER MY STUDENT! " It's just so awkward - cute awkwardness.
When did Sara Lance become so sexy? She totally rocked in that dress, skirt. And something we already knew before - she is stronger then Thea, she is a fighter! But I think we all have to admit that Sara and Rip make a pretty nice couple... Even though she is a lesbian and he is about 150 years older than her with a dead son and wife..Whatever....
I knew that Snart had that 'good' inside him, but he really surprised me. I almost cry because of his 'weakness'. It was just so damn nice, cute, and that this stupid stupid Lewis who just broke the whole thing! Seriously who is so stupid to sell emerald to a cop? Though the whole idea of stealing emerald was great, but I personally would keep the emerald for myself... It's just... Emerald you know? And I was impressed that Jax had that inside him. That curiosity, that little bad side of him... If he won't be careful Snart and Rory could turn him into a criminal ( not that I have anything against this - I would even join their gang if they asked me. What? A girl can dream )
TEAM RIP for ever! He literally killed him! I mean not literally because Savage is an immortal, but still! I didn't know he has that inside of him. And he went to Egypt before finding the Legends! Go Rip! You have my vote! Go get that immortal psycho bastard!
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Honey honey - Roy returned to STAR City! Finally. I missed Colton so much. This episode was epic! Roy Harper totally rocked as Arsenal again. He's totally the new flash with arrows. Sorry he's not, Grant's hotter... ( Or maybe not... I think we should have a serious conversation about who's hotter... Wondering who would win... ) It was just amazing to see this great actor in action again.
And why is my sweet angel dying? Thea was so sweet with the decision that it's her life they're talking about, but seriously?!? Having honorable speaches is something and leting her die is a different story. But killing Malcolm is also a different story. But killing Nyssa is also a different story. I don't know... I would miss all of them... It just CAN'T be Thea in the grave! I will not survive! I will literally die! ( then we could be dead together... maybe that's not such a bad idea ) And when did Malcolm become a supportive dad? I would much rather be seeing him forcing her to hold a knife and kill somebody with it ( as he said ). I thought he will disagree and literally force her to fight for her life. And now my poor little girl is lying in the hospital. But at least she looks very very good even though she's dieing.. Sorry people, but I think that we all noticed that Willa looks good no matter what she's wearing, does she has make up on or not...
The Calculator just become one of my favourite villians ( I'm surprised of how many times I normally say this word ). He was so good with his computer fight with his daughter. But if I'm correct not either of them knows that the were having a Father-daughter computer war ( Yes I'm very proud on this words - they're my idea - so proud )? And it was pretty cute when he came to 'support' his daughter... I would love to see more of their computer relationship, but also as real father-daughter... I kinda miss the whole father-daughter drama in the series... Lance and Laurel are good - we could say, Thea is dying so she kinda forgive? Malcolm for what he has done - I mean she doesn't really have enough power to fight so we'll just leave it at that...
Why is Damian's wife running for mayor? I always hated that bitch! She looks like 'trying to be Victoria's Secret model, but I would rather be an evil bitch... Or maybe both. ' She is soo freaking evil! I mean... They saved her and now she wants revange? For what? For saving your life, you dumb ass? Did I miss the news where they said that the newest "Thank you for saving my life" is "Yeah, you saved my life in return I will take yours" When you say it like this it sounds really creepy, so that woman was creepy even before, but now she's some kind of master of creepiness. OK she's not a master of anything... She's just the biggest, the weirdest, the crazyest the most annoying person... No sorry woman... In the world... Just saying.
And why is my sweet angel dying? Thea was so sweet with the decision that it's her life they're talking about, but seriously?!? Having honorable speaches is something and leting her die is a different story. But killing Malcolm is also a different story. But killing Nyssa is also a different story. I don't know... I would miss all of them... It just CAN'T be Thea in the grave! I will not survive! I will literally die! ( then we could be dead together... maybe that's not such a bad idea ) And when did Malcolm become a supportive dad? I would much rather be seeing him forcing her to hold a knife and kill somebody with it ( as he said ). I thought he will disagree and literally force her to fight for her life. And now my poor little girl is lying in the hospital. But at least she looks very very good even though she's dieing.. Sorry people, but I think that we all noticed that Willa looks good no matter what she's wearing, does she has make up on or not...
The Calculator just become one of my favourite villians ( I'm surprised of how many times I normally say this word ). He was so good with his computer fight with his daughter. But if I'm correct not either of them knows that the were having a Father-daughter computer war ( Yes I'm very proud on this words - they're my idea - so proud )? And it was pretty cute when he came to 'support' his daughter... I would love to see more of their computer relationship, but also as real father-daughter... I kinda miss the whole father-daughter drama in the series... Lance and Laurel are good - we could say, Thea is dying so she kinda forgive? Malcolm for what he has done - I mean she doesn't really have enough power to fight so we'll just leave it at that...
Why is Damian's wife running for mayor? I always hated that bitch! She looks like 'trying to be Victoria's Secret model, but I would rather be an evil bitch... Or maybe both. ' She is soo freaking evil! I mean... They saved her and now she wants revange? For what? For saving your life, you dumb ass? Did I miss the news where they said that the newest "Thank you for saving my life" is "Yeah, you saved my life in return I will take yours" When you say it like this it sounds really creepy, so that woman was creepy even before, but now she's some kind of master of creepiness. OK she's not a master of anything... She's just the biggest, the weirdest, the crazyest the most annoying person... No sorry woman... In the world... Just saying.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
flash super girl - crossover
Whaaat just happend? I just fined out that Grant Gustin will appear on the CBS show Supergirl as the fastest man alive also known as the Scarlet Speedster, Barry Allen or just as The Flash.
I personally didn't write about my wish for the crossover for one reason - Melissa Benoist. Don't get me wrong, I never really watched Supergirl, so maybe I'm wrong, but I know her from her Glee days and I didn't really liked her then. Or maybe it was just the character. Okay, okay I agree that it could be really good ( everything that Grant does is super good so there is no question about this ) but I have to watch Supergirl first before I can say anything on this show... But if I'm right Supergirl is also produced by Greg Berlanti so it can't be that bad. Sorry all Supergirl fans it's just my first impression on the show. But I have to admit that I think this about almost every show before I start watching it ( when I watch just the trailer - they should make better trailers )
You can read more ( not really more, but still ) about the crossover here:
I personally didn't write about my wish for the crossover for one reason - Melissa Benoist. Don't get me wrong, I never really watched Supergirl, so maybe I'm wrong, but I know her from her Glee days and I didn't really liked her then. Or maybe it was just the character. Okay, okay I agree that it could be really good ( everything that Grant does is super good so there is no question about this ) but I have to watch Supergirl first before I can say anything on this show... But if I'm right Supergirl is also produced by Greg Berlanti so it can't be that bad. Sorry all Supergirl fans it's just my first impression on the show. But I have to admit that I think this about almost every show before I start watching it ( when I watch just the trailer - they should make better trailers )
You can read more ( not really more, but still ) about the crossover here:
Flash 2x12
Finally they are going on Earth 2!!
Okay let me begin at the begging or the middle of the episode and not at the end...
Thank God I was wrong. It wasn't the heart!! I'm talking about Iris... But in my excuse it really looked like that piece of glass hit her in the hearth and not in the arm... And I am so damn happy that she is normal - alive. Although the part the glass hit her was a little weird. I know it was Barry's 'slow motion' but still... Other people moved away when they saw a car falling and she just stand there... But I can easily forgive her for that, because she was really smoken hot when she visited Wally before the race. And was I imagining or her hair were really purple ? But at least now we know she can pull high wasted shorts perfectly.
Did anyone notice how great actor Tom Cavanough is? I mean he played three guys with the same face but different emotions. It must be freaking hard. But we could really see the difference between the original Harrison Wells, Wells from the future, and Harry from Earth Two. And his face showed this emotions perfectly. You could see in his eyes how he cares about his daughter, but also about Barry and he doesn't want to hurt him, but he thinks he has to. It was so amazing. And he told Barry about stealing his speed. I think that Harry is seriously becoming my favorite Wells. But I felt so sorry about Barry - this is the second time that face has disappointed him. But he's strong, he can forgive, he can fight. He can even go to the Earth Two!! We will finally see Iris West as a cop and Killer Frost. I can't wait for Killer Frost. I'm dying on the inside while I'm waiting! I really want to see how will look, talk, walk,... The evil Caitlin.
Okay let me begin at the begging or the middle of the episode and not at the end...
Thank God I was wrong. It wasn't the heart!! I'm talking about Iris... But in my excuse it really looked like that piece of glass hit her in the hearth and not in the arm... And I am so damn happy that she is normal - alive. Although the part the glass hit her was a little weird. I know it was Barry's 'slow motion' but still... Other people moved away when they saw a car falling and she just stand there... But I can easily forgive her for that, because she was really smoken hot when she visited Wally before the race. And was I imagining or her hair were really purple ? But at least now we know she can pull high wasted shorts perfectly.
Did anyone notice how great actor Tom Cavanough is? I mean he played three guys with the same face but different emotions. It must be freaking hard. But we could really see the difference between the original Harrison Wells, Wells from the future, and Harry from Earth Two. And his face showed this emotions perfectly. You could see in his eyes how he cares about his daughter, but also about Barry and he doesn't want to hurt him, but he thinks he has to. It was so amazing. And he told Barry about stealing his speed. I think that Harry is seriously becoming my favorite Wells. But I felt so sorry about Barry - this is the second time that face has disappointed him. But he's strong, he can forgive, he can fight. He can even go to the Earth Two!! We will finally see Iris West as a cop and Killer Frost. I can't wait for Killer Frost. I'm dying on the inside while I'm waiting! I really want to see how will look, talk, walk,... The evil Caitlin.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Legends, Arrow, Flash
I'm sorry for writing this so very late... Today is coming the next Flash episode and I just figured out that I haven't write about any of DC Comics-Series..? So this will be a short cut out...
First let me just write about flash... I actually thought that Patty already knew that Barry is The Flash, because of the voice and that that's why she decided to leave, so I was surprised when in 2x11 she 'figured out' that she's dating Flash himself. But that was really rude form her to just call him and say that there's someone with a gun... Though she's a cop, so that was really a fail. The Reverse Flash was back and was gone... It was so fucking mind blowing! I don't know how, but I think I kinda understand now... I think that sometimes soon we'll see Barry going back to the night Eobard killed his mother. Again. It's all good and right, but Thawne saw Harry ( Earth 2 ) so when he kills Harrison ( Earth 1 )... I'm really interested in his thoughts at the moment. He knew that he will become Harrison Wells, but he also knew that he saw Harrison Wells cooperating with the Flash. So does he thinks that he like saw himself or...? Some weird stuff going on around here.
And I'm not sure if it right to say or is it wrong, but I don't like Wally very much. Not at all probably... He annoys me all the time... He's just antipathetic. Not the actor, but Wally's personality. He's just so mean to Joe and he really doesn't deserve this.. Oh and might have a theory about who's under the black zoom mask, but I will write that another time. ( After next episode, cuz in one ep. Everything can change. Literally. ) Ooh and the next promo was... Exciting? Weird? - What the fuck - kind of promo? Wells stealing Barry's speed, Iris dying? Okay my theory is that Barry will of course run back in time to save her, and hopefully delete the part when Harry ' steals ' his speed. And then Cisco would vibe and it would be soo damn cool... I support Wells, I really do ( don't ask why, even I don't know... I'm really starting to think that I have a kind of crush on bad guys.. Not cool ) I think it's so cute what he's able to do to save his daughter. But I think that he will see that Zoom is the one who will lose at the end and he will ask Barry for help. Please, please, please...
Felicity's in a wheelchair!! I was suspecting that since winter finally, but now it's like... Real...? And Amanda is dead... For real!! I thought no one can kill her... She was always so... Cold blooded... And he just.. Bang... And she was just... Gone...? But thank you lord, Diggle brothers are good! Andy is such a sweet heart! His ' not talking ' mode was actually funny, but now there's this ' nice ' Andy and it seems everything will be ok. It seems. But I might think that there will be something with his son/wife ( is it ex wife..? I mean he was dead... Is she a widow or nah..? ) And he will be forced to go back to Darhk.. But if he's nice like we think he is, he could be the next 'Lance'. Get it? Both sides? No, right... Not good joke, really not... Felicity's dead - Calculator - is coming! I think he'll be the one of HIVE's 'agents' Felicity will have a 'computer war' with. Two beautiful minds ( not stealing Stein's words ) will be computer fighting. How cool can that be? I personally think that we will see a lot more of him in the show, as a HIVE tech - computer guy. Another complicated father-daughter relationship? Yes? Probably yes.
The first time I saw Legends of tomorrow trailer I thought it will be a shit show.. After first episode I was really really impressed ( is it weird that I already watched it four times? no kidding I literally watched it four times.). After second episode I was totally 'in' for the show! My personal favorite is Martin Stein. He and his beautiful brains. ( sorry not sorry, but I love the phrase ) I loved the scene when he pretended to be ' gangster ' and he was like a 50 cm smaller than the guy he was talking to, but he was acting like a high class bitchy bastard... It was definitely #TeamStein And young Martin was played so very well! You can feel that strong weird connection between the two of them. And just a second.. Sara was definitely flirting with Marty, so is she officially a lesbian or is she bi? Just curious...
Leonard Snart is hoooot!! That's so ironic because he's you know... Capitan Cold, but he is so damn hot! And the black shirt he wore as gangster? I just melted! He and Mick Rory are the perfect pair! Mick is the one with the hot weapon, but not so hot ( not saying that he's not a good looking, but he's not the hottest one in the 'group ' ) And Leonard is the one with cold weapon, but he's soo very hot. That's so ironic and I like it soo very much, not to mention that I'm always being ironic, so that's why I like it even more.. ( Oh and btw I'm dancing with a guy really named Leonard for my school dance and he's total reverse of Snart! He's ugly.. Sorry not sorry... So I'm praying that the 'Snart' - Leonard will come and not the real Leonard - Leonard... Am I weird? I know I am... But seriously, you think I could write to Wentworth? Maybe he'll come. #wecanhope #hopedieslast #yupiknowimweird
The Hawkcouple!! Hate Vandal Savage!! But I'm curious... Am I right and Carter will be like 'dead' - dead... And we'll see him only in Kendra's flashbacks or they will go back in time or something ( like they could call Barry to run back in time..? ) and he will be like 'alive' - alive? It would be so much more fun if he is really dead. Don't get me wrong, I love the character, the actor and his story, but it would literally forced Kendra to fight against Savage, and I would really like to see her showing her real 'I want to kill you' colors. Cuz if I'm not wrong everything so far was like a game for her.. But now Carter's dead and she must fight..
First let me just write about flash... I actually thought that Patty already knew that Barry is The Flash, because of the voice and that that's why she decided to leave, so I was surprised when in 2x11 she 'figured out' that she's dating Flash himself. But that was really rude form her to just call him and say that there's someone with a gun... Though she's a cop, so that was really a fail. The Reverse Flash was back and was gone... It was so fucking mind blowing! I don't know how, but I think I kinda understand now... I think that sometimes soon we'll see Barry going back to the night Eobard killed his mother. Again. It's all good and right, but Thawne saw Harry ( Earth 2 ) so when he kills Harrison ( Earth 1 )... I'm really interested in his thoughts at the moment. He knew that he will become Harrison Wells, but he also knew that he saw Harrison Wells cooperating with the Flash. So does he thinks that he like saw himself or...? Some weird stuff going on around here.
And I'm not sure if it right to say or is it wrong, but I don't like Wally very much. Not at all probably... He annoys me all the time... He's just antipathetic. Not the actor, but Wally's personality. He's just so mean to Joe and he really doesn't deserve this.. Oh and might have a theory about who's under the black zoom mask, but I will write that another time. ( After next episode, cuz in one ep. Everything can change. Literally. ) Ooh and the next promo was... Exciting? Weird? - What the fuck - kind of promo? Wells stealing Barry's speed, Iris dying? Okay my theory is that Barry will of course run back in time to save her, and hopefully delete the part when Harry ' steals ' his speed. And then Cisco would vibe and it would be soo damn cool... I support Wells, I really do ( don't ask why, even I don't know... I'm really starting to think that I have a kind of crush on bad guys.. Not cool ) I think it's so cute what he's able to do to save his daughter. But I think that he will see that Zoom is the one who will lose at the end and he will ask Barry for help. Please, please, please...
Felicity's in a wheelchair!! I was suspecting that since winter finally, but now it's like... Real...? And Amanda is dead... For real!! I thought no one can kill her... She was always so... Cold blooded... And he just.. Bang... And she was just... Gone...? But thank you lord, Diggle brothers are good! Andy is such a sweet heart! His ' not talking ' mode was actually funny, but now there's this ' nice ' Andy and it seems everything will be ok. It seems. But I might think that there will be something with his son/wife ( is it ex wife..? I mean he was dead... Is she a widow or nah..? ) And he will be forced to go back to Darhk.. But if he's nice like we think he is, he could be the next 'Lance'. Get it? Both sides? No, right... Not good joke, really not... Felicity's dead - Calculator - is coming! I think he'll be the one of HIVE's 'agents' Felicity will have a 'computer war' with. Two beautiful minds ( not stealing Stein's words ) will be computer fighting. How cool can that be? I personally think that we will see a lot more of him in the show, as a HIVE tech - computer guy. Another complicated father-daughter relationship? Yes? Probably yes.
The first time I saw Legends of tomorrow trailer I thought it will be a shit show.. After first episode I was really really impressed ( is it weird that I already watched it four times? no kidding I literally watched it four times.). After second episode I was totally 'in' for the show! My personal favorite is Martin Stein. He and his beautiful brains. ( sorry not sorry, but I love the phrase ) I loved the scene when he pretended to be ' gangster ' and he was like a 50 cm smaller than the guy he was talking to, but he was acting like a high class bitchy bastard... It was definitely #TeamStein And young Martin was played so very well! You can feel that strong weird connection between the two of them. And just a second.. Sara was definitely flirting with Marty, so is she officially a lesbian or is she bi? Just curious...
Leonard Snart is hoooot!! That's so ironic because he's you know... Capitan Cold, but he is so damn hot! And the black shirt he wore as gangster? I just melted! He and Mick Rory are the perfect pair! Mick is the one with the hot weapon, but not so hot ( not saying that he's not a good looking, but he's not the hottest one in the 'group ' ) And Leonard is the one with cold weapon, but he's soo very hot. That's so ironic and I like it soo very much, not to mention that I'm always being ironic, so that's why I like it even more.. ( Oh and btw I'm dancing with a guy really named Leonard for my school dance and he's total reverse of Snart! He's ugly.. Sorry not sorry... So I'm praying that the 'Snart' - Leonard will come and not the real Leonard - Leonard... Am I weird? I know I am... But seriously, you think I could write to Wentworth? Maybe he'll come. #wecanhope #hopedieslast #yupiknowimweird
The Hawkcouple!! Hate Vandal Savage!! But I'm curious... Am I right and Carter will be like 'dead' - dead... And we'll see him only in Kendra's flashbacks or they will go back in time or something ( like they could call Barry to run back in time..? ) and he will be like 'alive' - alive? It would be so much more fun if he is really dead. Don't get me wrong, I love the character, the actor and his story, but it would literally forced Kendra to fight against Savage, and I would really like to see her showing her real 'I want to kill you' colors. Cuz if I'm not wrong everything so far was like a game for her.. But now Carter's dead and she must fight..
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