Friday, January 22, 2016


Legends of tomorrow finally started!! Fuuck the Pilot was so damn good. The way they shoot scenes, the way dialogue was wrote, the way actors played it... It was all perfect. I cried at the scene when Rip Hunter was holding his dead son. It was so sad. I think I'm going to become assassin ( does anyone knows where I can get Malcolms phone number? What I need someone to train me ) and kill this reincarnated idiot. They could not choose better actor then Arthur Darvill. His voice is so... I can't really describe it. But he definitely belongs on my list with actors with the hottest voice. ( If you were wondering the list includes Sean Connery, Victor Garber, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson and of course Wentworth Miller. I can write the whole list once if you want ) But really... His accent is so soft, and when he said Sara Lance, I was just like " Yees. " The way he pronounces Lance, with an emphasis on a... It just turn your world around.

I would never imagine that Martin Stein is able to kidnap someone. " Go Martin! Don't stop! " And when he drove the car with Jefferson ( sorry but I'm team Stein when we talk about calling him or Jefferson or Jax. I'm actually always team Stein, but anyway... ) is laugh so hard. Impossible. And when did Mick became the good guy, because he just did Stein a favour with taking Jax out of the car. " Sorry kid. .... I said I'd take care of you. " Lol. Capitan Cold ' taking care of Jax ' yeah of course he's safe alone with Gideon ( OMG Gideon is back again! So happy! ) Of course no one will be shooting the time travel machine. Whaaat? Of course it's safe... Yea... But Stein and Palmer - Sorry it's Doctor Palmer - were so cute trying to help him. " Did you ever play football? " Of course Jefferson. Stain plays football every day... And you study time travel every day... It would be actually pretty cool if they would mix there.... Feelings to stuff?... Like Stein started to like pizza after emerging with Ronnie.

Sara kicked those man asses. And Mick - ' Why don't we break a chair on your back? Let's try if it works. ' And then Capitan Cold - all classy and calm and down to earth fighting guys and throwing them in a music machine. Normal day for our ( at least a few of mine ) favorite criminals.

Kendra and Carter had a son? Carter was kind of ' Yeah you're my son, but I... Wait what..? '
But Kendra would be / was so good mother. Ciara played it perfectly. Mother who does not remember her son - who is older then her - but still has feelings for him ( mother - son ). Seriously Ciara is perfect!! And I'm not saying this just because she liked my tweet today... I feel so important right now! Thank you soo much Ciara, you're the best ♥

    1. you rocked as hawk girl. Can't wait for the next episode.
      Tweet text

    Arrow 4x10

    Arrow is back! And Felicity is alive. And I think I know who's in the grave... I mean I have a theory... I personally think it's Donna - Felicity's mother. Probably I'm not right, but still. Well, at the end of the episode she says: " You know what you have to do right? You have to kill this son of a bitch. " And the way she said it, the way she had tears in her eyes... I don't know but I just feel like it's her mother.

    Darhk's wife is such a bitch!! Does she realize that if there wouldn't be the Green Arrow she and her daughter would be death right now?!?! She just made me soo very angry! And congratulations Darhk... You will give the Green Arrow time to be with his family, but you will kill him anyway? What the fuck! You should die. No, really... Go somewhere and use your fucking powers on yourself. You said it's fun and you could do it all day, so just for fun try if it works on yourself. And please die, while doing it. We will all be proud on you.

    Let's talk about Lonnie Machin. He's hot if you like it or not... Burned face just make him even hotter. And he has a crush on Thea or something... See you have a new boyfriend Thea! Be with him, not with Alex. I think that Alex is working with Darhk. No special reason, just a feeling. And maybe the way he threats Thea, Professional would never do this.

    Oh and by the way, am I the only one who thinks that Felicity was really cute with this natural make up, looking tired. OMG her lips! She should always have nude lips and throw her red lipstick away.

    Wednesday, January 20, 2016


    O my gosh! Have you guys watched the newest Flash episode? In have so many questions of what's about to happen. First, why the hell is Patty leaving? I actually liked her. And I really don't want West-Allen to happen. She can't just leave. And yeah Grant was right. Patty did grab Flash's ass. Naughty, naughty Shantel...
                                               ( sorry, but that was the best photo I could find )

  1. Y'all see Patty grab Flash's ass? I saw it ... 😏

  2. Okay then why did Harrison Wells took The Turtle's DNA? Because I'm not sure if he took it to stop Zoom, I'm really worried, because there is a possibility that he took it to stop Barry!! Am I the only one who thinks that? Speaking about Harrison Wells, I personally think that Tom Cavanagh's Harrison Wells from Earth 2 is the best Harry. I mean we can truely see how he cares for his daughter and how he would do anything to help her, so I just can't be mad even if he want to steal Flashes speed.

    Then here is Wally West. That guy is so annoying ( sorry not sorry all Wally lovers ). He's really mean to Joe, even tough he doesn't deserve this... Why... Why... Why... I just can't imagine him as speedster and totally not as a Team Flash's member...

    And Gideon is back!!! Oh and Eobard Thawne is also back. I missed Gideon and I'm actually happy that she's back. Yeah I'm talking like she's a real person, but tell me, who doesn't love Gideon? She's just... Gideon... And then there is the Reverse Flash - Eobard Thawne. Why can't you just leave Gideon here and just die? This guy is just so... Not like really evil, but you know... He makes me go crazy and I hate what he's doing to Barry. I kinda hope that they will get along to stop Zoom, but I think that they won't work together again. Not for real... Barry trusted him, and what did he do? Killed his mother? We all know that the answer is Yes, so I think that even if they work together, Barry will be in a hard position, and hopfully that will end with Thawne dead at the end... Don't want to be negative, just saying...

    Thursday, January 14, 2016


    Okay first I am really sorry I haven't write anything for a long long time, but Arrow & The Flash weren't airing and honestly I didn't have time for my blog. I will try to update more often. So let me just start... As this day started perfectly I fined out that one of the great actors - Alan Rickman died, for those who didn't know that... He was such amazing actor so I think that he deserves a little mention. R.I.P.
    Let me get started to my theme now... Today is 14th of January which is...... Grant Gustin's birthday!!!! I think I'm not the only one who thinks that Grant is such an amazing person. Why? Well I wrote 26 reasons, just for fun...
    N.01 He has 2 the cutest puppies on the earth. Also known as #JettLife and #NeuroticNora
    N.02 He was playing a gay villain on Glee and he made Sebastian Smythe the best villan we ever saw on Glee.
    N.03 He was playing Baby John in West Side Story.
    N.04 He can sing! And he singing is literally perfection.
    N.05 His dance moves are the best.
    N.06 He definitly is one of the best CW actors.
    N.07 And he plays one of the best characters on the CW.
    N.08 I would even dare to say he is playing the best character in series that ever lived. ( Lived? Okay let's say... That has ever been in a TV show. )
    N.09 He has stunt double Cody that does all the heavy lifting.
    ( so apparently this is NOT a  heavy lifting, cuz Cody is the one watching in the background ) The thing is that sometimes he also does stunts.
    N.10 He is so freaking tall!
    N.11 He has a tattoo Love Above All Else wich is so cute
    N.12 His hair are perfect :** No matter what haircut he has - his hair are still perfect.
    N.13 You might noticed that somethimes he wears glasses. Well guess what! He has the same glasses as Johnny Depp.
    N.14 Lightning gave him abs.

    N.15 I think his Smooth Criminal ( original Michael Jackson ) is even better than original one. ( don't kill me for that )
    N.16 He presented the Golden Globes!!!
    N.17 He can moonwalk just as fast as he runs forward.
    N.18 Rachel McAdams is his celebrity crush.
    N.19 Candice Patton is also his celebrity crush.
    N.20 He does the best duck face.

    N.21 He is a Clippers fan?
    N.22 He is the one who taught Tom Cavanaugh how to use Instagram
    N.23 His Gustage is... Not cool, but still... Well at least we can say he has a mustage named after him.
    N.24 He and Danielle Panabaker were on a Tyler Shields ( he is such an amazing photographer ) photoshooting.
    N.25 He is officially a super man fan.
    So I think we are the one who is Glad he came! ( Get it? He sang Glad you came on Glee... )
    I think now we all know that Grant is just the best person ever. Oh and a summary of all this?Yeah, he's just super hot! And I don't mean just genetically, because I'm not geneticist ( Go Caitlin )