You just must love Malcolm Merlyn. All Merlyn haters - you're my enemies. ( sorry but it's Merlyn ) First of all John Barrowman is an amazing actor and he's really into this role. You know you just can't hate The Magician. He's now also known as a leader of Nanda Parbat a.k.a. to the head of the demon. But the thing is he's not that demon as Ra's Al Ghul used to be ( hate him ). No. Demons don't love their daughters and I think we all know that Merlyn really loves Thea even though she is not pretty sure about it. Remember when he said to Oliver that if something happen to Thea, Oliver would want Savage to get him? I think that if your father is a leader of assasins that is the best father-daughter relationship you could ever ask for. Even she's kinda #ihatemyfather he still trys to protect her. Mine for example would never do. He doesn't even know how to write my name. ( not here to talk about that but I really hate when he write Leja and not Lea. I'm sorry but I truely hate it. ) I was talking about Savage... You know when he came and took his ash ( I hope it's the right word ). I was like : " Honey, honey. Keep doing what you're doing Malcolm. I think it's something bad, but... For you I can make an exception and just say nothing. " And now thanks to him new series Legends of Tomorrow will begin. So they should be like : " Thank you Malcolm. Thanks to you we got a job. If you would let him die then we'll be doing nothing right now. But now we must play The Atom, White Canary, Hawk girl ( Cisco you were right it's atcually really hard to say this ) Capitan Cold... " so I think they should all be saying thanks to him. Anyway like I sad you just must love Al Sahir. I am still being sad because of Tommy's dead, but I don't blame Malcolm, like others do. He had a great plan for a new start, but unfortunately it failed. So Tommy is dead but Merlyn has nothing to do with his death. So don't blame him. ( Cuz now he has power and he can send assasin to kill you, so be carefull what you're saying about him ) And I'm truely sorry for Rebecca, but how can you kill the wrong man? I mean you murdered someone for killing your wife and later you find out he didn't atcually kill your wife? How can that happen? Well Merlyn is kinda good guy now or something like this ( because you can't be 100% good guy if you are new Ra's Al Ghul ). And I was right about him wearing the Green Arrow costume in mid season finale. And he was so awsome in it. And Thea was like : " Is that my faher? " Go tell everybody that Malcolm is alive Thea. Well however Oliver ows him one now. Really interested in what it's gonna be. But yea go team Merlyn.
Okay not about Magician anymore but I just have to say it.. What will happen to Felicity? Well I checked on IMDb and according to them she will apear in all episodes during the rest of the season, but what if she really is the dead body and it's gonna be flashback or a ghost like Shado? So I'm dieing to see what's gonna happen, and I think that you are to.